Monday, September 24, 2007


Sorry I didn't post yesterday; I was rather bogged down with other things. But I have poems! Hooray for the muse of Autumn!
summer lightning
on the hills beyond.
silence here
the same walk...
only the seasons
adjacent math rooms.
three teachers;
one drone
another year...
last year's underbrush
with wings,
the pen becomes
a dragonfly
a knowing smile
from someone
I've never even seen
on the sidewalk, half
of a rusted key
summer afternoon
the new yews

Sunday, September 16, 2007

No. 19

This entry is likely to be somewhat shorter than normal. There's a haibun on the brilliancy of the skies of late, but it's still percolating, and it doesn't do to rush these things...
familiar faces
gone again.
new glasses
arch of vines
by itself
one year later,
the same haiku
in the wind,
the white wing
of a moth
the tree's shadow
cast in leaves
scattered business cards
on the sidewalk
after rain

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Post No. 18

Well, right on cue with the start of school, the creative juices started to flow. It seems that I only write when I have absolutely no time to do it... Hmmm.... Well, anyway, here's the most recent batch!
oboe solo...
in the red pine
Sinfonia Antarctica...
passing cars
become waves
in vain,
the cat
attacks the box
it's fall
the fine line
between raw and black
tree roots
make speed bumps
on the old bike trail